I'm in a fruitful patch of work at the Cross of PP Part I. Last summer I had an article published by the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS 66, No. 2, June 2023) entitled "Three Shining Ones at the Cross in The Pilgrim's Progress: Angels, Trinity, or Church?" (323-341). I surveyed commentary history on the three shining ones showing that arguments have been made for angels and for Trinity. I then argued that there was textual, scriptural and theological grounds to propose a third slightly attested view of seeing the shining ones as glorified fellow Christians. And I got to include illustrations! That's always fun, although a bit of work when permissions are needed.

That work has pushed me into further exploration of the range of reception at the Cross. I am working on a few articles that will explore the appearance and significance of the cross, the gifts Christian receives, and the response of song to the Cross.