Andy teaches courses at the undergraduate level at Biola University with the Talbot School of Theology. Alongside the class on The Pilgrim's Progress, he has a more generic class on 'Pilgrimage:The Christian Life as Journey'; he also teaches classes on the life and theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on Christian Ethics, and he co-teaches on Psychology and Christian Thought, and Interdisciplinary Studies. His systematic theology survey class covers the doctrines of Salvation, Holy Spirit, Church and Last Things.

Pilgrim’s Progress: A Spiritual Classic for a Selfie World
Studying John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress towards spiritual formation, from civil war through culture war by way of engaging theology, missions, history, literature, philosophy, psychology, politics, economics, adaptation theory, art, musicals, movies, opera, prog rock, graphic novels, board games, computer games, and theme parks, to the celestial city.
Descriptions of the kinds of classes that I can offer you and your church, fellowship, book club or small group.

Teaching The Pilgrim's Progress to young people in a church setting requires some memorable 'hooks'.
Tom Welsch has tried and tested these ditties to help his students retain elements of plot character and action, i.e. what 'ditty' (did he) do? whom ditty (did he) meet?...
Check them out below, starting with #1 and #2, and adding more to the page in time, until reaching the full complement of 67.